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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2022

10 Things to Do When the Car is Flooded - Drivers Need to Remember

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 Do not try to start the engine, check the fluid system, engine air filter are the first things to do when the car is submerged in a sea of water. Cars submerged in water can destroy many parts of the vehicle, especially the engine, electrical system and interior. For sedans, hatchbacks or urban crossovers, water can be flooded over half the wheel when it can cause damage to the vehicle. In this case, the driver should take the 10 steps below to identify the damage and fix it. 1. Do not try to start the engine When the car is flooded, turn on the key and try once to see if the car can start the engine or not. If you can't, ignore the thought of trying to start the engine a few more times because the harder you try, the more damage the car will do, especially when water gets into the engine causing hydroplaning. Move the vehicle to a dry place and call for help. 2. Determination of flooded water level Mud and small pieces of garbage will stick to the body of the car to create a mark...